Herb Diuretic Formulas (waterpill)

2. Herb diuretic F2: Wter retension, dizziness, chest pain with kidney problems, water retention, difficulty in urination, body ache with a heavy sensation, cough or asthma

3. Herb diuretic F3: Water retension, difficult urination, urinary tract infection, fever, thirsty, anxiety, insomnia or liver cirrhosis fluid retension.

4. Herb diuretic F4: Edema, bodyache, overweight with headache, poor blood circulation, PMS, pelvic infection or lower back pain.

5. Herb diuretic F5: Water retension, burning urination sensation, difficult urination, urinary tract infecrion, chronic mouth ulcer or mumps.

6. Herb diuretic F6: Chest pain with fluid retention, chest distension and tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath, Meniere's syndrome, pleural cavity fluid due to TB or chronic cough.

7. Herb diuretic F7: Difficult in urination, pneumonia, digestive tract infections, diarrhea, food posioning, urinary tract infections or pelvic infection.

8. Herb diuretic F8: General puffiness, acid-reflux with general weakness, spontaneous sweating, pale complexion, low immune system after surgery, chemo or radiation therapy.

9. Herb diuretic F9: Fluid retension, insomnia, anxiety, CFS (chronic fatique syndrome), neurosism, neurasthenia, purpura or lupus.

10. Herb diuretic F10: Water retension with general body ache, arthritis with sweating, heavy body sensation, difficult urination, edema and RA (rheumatic arthritis).
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This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005

1. Herb diuretic F1: Edema, chest pain with water retention, kidney problems, pleural fluid retention, diarrhea, vomit or Meniere's syndrome.