Herb Diuretic F5

This page was last updated on: December 4, 2005
A bottle of Diuretic F5 at $19.99
A bottle of Diuretic F5 at $19.99
A month supply of Diuretic F5 at $69.99! Save 10 %!!
A month supply of Diuretic F5 at $69.99! Save 10 %!!
12 bottles of Diuretic F5 at $189.99! Save over 20%!!
12 bottles of Diuretic F5 at $189.99! Save over 20%!!
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Herb diuretic F5: Water retension, burning urination sensation, difficult urination, urinary tract infecrion, chronic mouth ulcer or mumps.

1. Difficult urination or retension of urine: 115 postpartum related patients treated with F5 or its modification showed all patients cured in 12 hours after taking F5.     
2. Urinary tract infection: 100 patients took F5 for up to 10 days and 95 were cured.
3. Chronic mouth ulcer: 165 chronic mouth ulcer patients took F5 and 140 were either cured or significantly improved (84.84 percent), other 25 did not improve after the treatment (15.15 percent).  60 patients were evenly divided into a F5 treatment group and a comparison group taking regular antibiotics. After three days of treatments, F5 group has 20 significantly improved (66.66 percent), 8 improved (26.66 percent) and two did not. In the comparison group, only six significantly improved (20 percent), 6 improved (20 percent) and 18 did not improve (60 percent). There is very significant difference between two groups, P,0.001.
4. Mumps: 24 patients took F5 or its modification and all were cured in five days.
5. Maculopapule: F5 has been used to treat maculopapule with good reults.
6. Viral myocarditis: 64 patients took F5 or its modification found 55 cured (85.93 percent) and other nine also improved (14.17 percent).

Toxicity and side effects: There are no known side effects or toxicity of F5. A very safe formula.